Tuesday 10 May 2011

University, exams and summertime

It's been almost 6 months since I last updated. I guess I'm not surprised that I never got around to posting more; the past few months have been the busiest of my life. I've almost finished my third year of university, an overwhelming amount of coursework, and so far I've completed 4 out of 9 exams this year. Less than a fortnight to go; I cannot wait! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't stressed.

Halstatt Morning
Hallstatt, Austria (photo: zcortez [flickr])

Alas, I have no plans to travel this summer. Instead, I'll be spending another 10 weeks at university doing paid research work. I had a similar position last year which I really enjoyed so I'm quite looking forward to this summer.

The above photograph is of the beautiful village of Hallstatt in Austria. For a while now I've wanted to travel to Austria and Switzerland, to explore the idyllic villages hidden in the mountains. The historic city of Bern, Switzerland is another place I'd love to spend even just a weekend. Maybe I'll have the funds and time to do so next summer. What better way to celebrate the end of university and the beginning of a new stage in life than to experience such a beautiful and interesting part of the world?

I still plan to get away for a short time this summer, even if it's just a weekend away in Scotland with my girlfriend, or opportunistic camping trips alone in the mountains. I think I've succeeded in encouraging Allie, my girlfriend, to take up hiking and join me on my crazy adventures.

Whatever is in store for me this summer, I can't wait!

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